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How To Make A Python Host Checker For Linux

Today we "how Linux Host Checker to create a Python" only works on Linux / Down Host Checker're going to make a python.

You are going to need:
  • Python 3.4
  • Internet Connection
  • Computer with Windows or Linux
If you haven't got installed Python yet, download it from the following link: Download

Why Linux only?

We usually without them you can not ping windows, 3rd party libraries recommend using, but never did. If you use the ping command on Linux if it is below 1 Thus, if you are the host, and second. This means, Linux, ping target is successfully pinged, the ping 1 (operation completed successfully), otherwise, it gives you the error number returned. On Windows, it is more complicated. If a ping ping command you, you, even if the host is up or down, the operation is completed successfully. However, any of you, I actually do not use Windows for hacking.

Setting up

Before starting, connect to the Internet, and you will have a computer, that would be great. Get your local IPv4 address, what ports you want to scan.

Coding How to Make a Python host checker for Linux

Coding is the easy part. Begin from importing sys and socket, then, write the following code:

import os # Importing main libs

import sys

start = "" # Setting up variables

range1 = 0

range2 = 0

for carg in sys.argv: # Checking for arguments

    if carg == "-s":

        argnum = sys.argv.index(carg)

        argnum += 1

        start = sys.argv[argnum]

    elif carg == "-r1":

        argnum = sys.argv.index(carg)

        argnum += 1

        range1r = sys.argv[argnum]

        range1 = int(range1r)

    elif carg == "-r2":

        argnum = sys.argv.index(carg)

        argnum += 1

        range2r = sys.argv[argnum]

        range2 = int(range2r)

print ("[*] Host Scanner launched!") # Informs user about initialize

if start == "": # Checks if all the information is provided

    print ("[E] No host provided")

elif range1 == 0:

    print ("[E] No range1 provided")

elif range2 == 0:

    print ("[E] No range2 provided")


    if range1 > range2:

        count = range1 - range2

    elif range1 < range2:

        count = range2 - range1

    for ccount in range(range1, range2): # Counts the IP range to ping

            target = start + "." + str(ccount)

            response = os.system("ping " + target + " 2>&1 >/dev/null") # Sets response to ping

            if response == 0: # Reads response, checks if it is 0

                err = 0 # sets err to 0


                err = 1 # sets err to 1

            if err == 0: # when err is equal to 0

                print ("[+] " + target + " is up!") # Informs user about hosts that are up

Code should look like this (comments are cut, do not worry):

So, that is pretty easy. The end perimeters in the ping command suppresses the commands output. So, save the file, run it from terminal and test this out!



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